person using both laptop and smartphone for Facebook Business

If you do not know where to start but you know you need a Facebook Business Page, you are in the right spot. Follow these easy steps to get your business rolling and recognized in this time of social media. I will also show you how to create the links in your Personal Account so people can find your Business Page.

Please know you must have a BUSINESS PAGE to conduct ANY business on FB and it is created from your personal page.  This is a BUSINESS page so post business content and leave the personal items for that page.  ANY business you want to post about FIRST post on the BUSINESS page and then share to your PERSONAL page.  You do NOT want to be in FB JAIL!  

I can provide these techniques and optimize your Facebook Business page at an additional fee at any time.  If not try these simple step to get started.

To Begin Login into Your Facebook Personal Page and Watch the Video:
Facebook Business Page Main Steps from the Video
  1. NAME Important for SEO to match this to all social media but consider the following:
    • The first word of your name will rank highest with FB searches so select carefully.
    • Change your page name to include community if you work local
  2. MAIN PICTURES Upload your logo or a modern, friendly, well-lit photo of yourself.
  3. COVER PHOTO Upload a SIMPLE cover photo that captures you and your community, a VIDEO that captures attention, OR another attractive photo that shows why you are not be afraid to change this regularly as long as you follow the rest of the directions
    • make sure it has the correct px dimensions so it’s not distorted and blurry. I create mine on Canva and use 2100 x 775 px for my video, but most choose 1250 x 463 px for their custom dimension photos. *Do not use their recommended dimensions because it leaves space on the sides.
    • IMPORTANT: Click on the photo and “add a description” to include services, website, tag yourself and location.
  4. Add a Call-to-Action BUTTONThe message button will appear if you choose a different call-to-action
Facebook Business Page Call To Action button demo
Tell Us About Your Facebook Business:
Facebook Business Page Setup Continued
    • Select the best Category that represents your business
    • Change your page name to include community if you work local
    • Add your username…A MUST (SEE PICTURES)
    • Complete your Business contact information
      • Add your new website! OR CALL ME TO BUILD IT!
      • Edit Other Accounts to add your Instagram profile name (no HTTPS needed) 
      • Under “About” write a short description with KEYWORDS describing your business
      • Under “Story” write a longer description of your business including more service details, social media links including your website and repeat your phone number.
      • Add yourself as a Team Member
  2. SETTINGS / TEMPLATES AND TABS. ex: If you don’t have something to sell get rid of “Shop”
    • If you are admin of any relevant groups add them.
    • Move your Reviews to the top once you get them.
  3. INBOX/ AUTOMATED RESPONSE (last icon along the left side) Add a personal response to those that…
    • Contact you via messenger on your business page.  SEE PICTURE FOR EXAMPLE.
    • Recommend your Page. SEE PICTURE FOR EXAMPLE.
Now Start Using Your Facebook Business Page:
Let the Fun Business Begin!
  1. PIN an image/video that welcomes visitors to your page. This is the post your potential followers will see as their welcome. Tell them what you are doing, why you are doing it and do not forget where you are doing it. Make it personal and purposeful!
  2. INVITE all your friends to LIKE your page.
    • Click “Also send invite in Messenger” to make it personal when applicable   
Advanced But Needed!
  • Watch your “Insights” to see how your page is performing 
  • Get comfortable with videos but even better LIVE Facebook videos…they draw more attention from followers and Facebook analytics is drawn to them.
    • once you have videos Create Video Playlists
  • Create an AD ACCOUNT
  • Get a PIXEL CODE to embed on your website to “capture” anyone that visits.
Time to Update Your Facebook PERSONAL Page:

I hope this was helpful! If you think these videos were helpful, imagine what you could do. They are so ease! If you would like to learn more about Loom videos visit HERE.